Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th (2013)


I’m on record as loving a good slasher movie. I grew up in the 1980s and slashers were all the rage. I didn’t actually watch any of them in theatres and rarely saw any in their unedited forms on VHS. Mostly, I watched them on late-night, basic cable television. Which was probably the best way for my pubescent self to have seen them. With some of the sex and violence edited out for TV, my hormone-addled mind filled in the blanks with things far more sexy and gruesome than any of the films could possibly have produced.

I actually remember later in life watching some of those films and being disappointed with how little I had missed.

Friday the 13th and its many, many sequels are not good movies. They aren’t even particularly interesting slash flicks. But there is something about them that has excited horror hounds, including myself for decades.

This documentary covers everything you’d ever want to know about the franchise. It interviews nearly everyone involved in any of the films (or the television series) and breaks them all down into the minutest of details. For seven hours it does this. That’s more Jason Vorhees than anyone can handle.

Except me, apparently. I watched the entire thing and wrote a review about it. You can read that review here.

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