Shows of the Day: March 15, 2024

Obviously, I’ve started doing individual posts for individual shows again. I’m not sure how long that will last, but for now I’m digging it. I will be doing lots of reups/reposts and so I’ll continue to do these daily links for those.

Van Morrison – No Guru, No Method, No Teacher – Live

2 thoughts on “Shows of the Day: March 15, 2024

  1. I really like the individual posts format. Getting the show information up front tells me a lot about whether I want to pursue it any further, So thanks for doing this. 

    Also, a belated thank you for the “Bertha” project. To call that ambitious would be a major understatement. I’m slowly picking through it to find some hidden gems. 

    I thought it might be cool if people wrote in and said how many of the Bertha opener shows they were at. I started off strong by being at 4 of these shows in 1971 and a fifth in 1973 but nothing thereafter. I know there are lots of folks out there with many more shows than that to their credit and would be curious to hear from them.

    • I completely understand that. I like the individual posts format as well. Its just a time consuming pain in the arse sometimes to do it that way. Especially when I have multiple sources for a show. Admittedly I moved away from it mostly because I was pretty burned out on the blog, especially when Amazon Drive died. I’m kind of moving back to doing it the old way, but I can’t promise it will last. 

      But when I do individual posts I do think I’ll not include all the source information in the posts when I have multiple sources. I think the basic show info – location, date, setlists, etc. should suffice in the post and then you can read all the source info within Google Drive

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