Fargo (1996)


I’ve talked before about how I went to see Fargo in the theater when it first came out. About how I went in blind, knowing nothing about it, and came out loving it. I saw it three times in the theater, bringing new friends each time.

When it came out on VHS I remember my local video store had this big cardboard cutout of the film. It had a tag, or maybe a critic quote on it stating that it was a really good thriller or some such thing. I remember being surprised because I thought of it as a comedy – a dark, pitch-black comedy, but a comedy nonetheless.

Of course, it has thriller elements, and that probably is its biggest genre. But I realize that the Coen Brothers have a warped sense of humor, one that perfectly fits mine.

I love that movie, and I still think it is hilarious. I picked up a Blu-ray of the film in 2014 and wrote a review for Cinema Sentries.

2 thoughts on “Fargo (1996)

  1. I LOVED Fargo. I also thought of it as a black comedy. William H. Macy played an excellent part. Everything he touched turned to S%it!! I liked Steve Bushemi’s character a lot too. For years my grandmother would say, ‘Ooooooh Daddy! Ooooooh Daddy!’ Too funny.

    I remember people talking about how the Coen brothers made fun of the dialect of the upper MidWest, but I had a friend in Minneapolis that I traded tapes with that LOVED that film and would say, ‘Have you seen Fargo yet? Have you seen it yet?’, prompting me to go and rent it.

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