Edge of the City (1957)


Sidney Poitier was one of the first African American actors to become a true Hollywood star. He was the first to win an Oscar for acting. He led the way for countless African American stars to follow.

John Cassavetes was a pioneer of American independent cinema. He wrote, directed, produced, and financed several important films through the 1970s.

These two trailblazers teamed up for Edge of the City in 1957 to fantastic results.

Axel North (Cassavetes) is a drifter with a shady past. Early in the film, we see him call his parents, but he doesn’t speak, he just listens to them call out to him in anguish and anger.

He gets a job on the docks (the literal edge of the city) in New York. He gets the job by using Charlie Malick (Jack Warden) as a reference. He doesn’t really know Charlie but he’s heard using his name can secure him the job. Charlie is a chiseler and forces Axel to give him part of his hourly wages in order to keep the job.

Quicky he meets Tommy Tyler (Poitier) a charming, intelligent, kind man. They become fast friends. It is here that the film excels. We watch the two as they hang out and talk, as they laugh and dream. Axel comes over and meets Tommy’s equally charming wife (Ruby Dee) and young son. Tommy sets Axel up with a mousy but sweet girl (Kathleen Maguire).

For a while, it is a hang-out movie and it is a joy to watch. The difference between these two men – one black, one white – is there but it isn’t highlighted. They are constantly hassled by racists or anything. They are just two guys who get along together.

The antagonist is Charlie. He doesn’t like Tommy, he is prejudiced against him. He doesn’t like his friendship with Axel. He certainly doesn’t like that Axel is learning to stand up for himself and pushes back against his need to give Charlie some of his wages.

This is the film at its weakest. Tension grows between the two men which eventually leads to violence. It grows naturally and still works within the film, but I much preferred these two friends just hanging out.

Regardless Edge of the City is a great film. I highly recommend it.