Doctor Who – The Enemy of the World

doctor who
Classic Doctor Who ran from 1963 to 1989. It included some 311 stories told over 695 episodes of television. The Doctor was portrayed by seven different actors. While I have watched every episode of the New Doctor Who series, I’ve not yet made it through all the classic stories.

I have seen at least a few stories from each Doctor, but I’ve always watched it fairly randomly – watching one story from this era and then another one from a different era with a different Doctor, etc.

They are now releasing complete seasons of the classic series on Blu-ray but for ages they released single stories on DVD. I reviewed a few of them for Cinema Sentries including this one starring Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor (and in this case the story’s central enemy).

I’ve come to love Troughton’s version of the Doctor, but this was the first time I’d seen him in the role and my opinion of him was not yet solidified. Anyway, you can read the review here.

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