Jack Taylor – Set II

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I’ve been enjoying reading all my old reviews, and I hope you have too. Part of the enjoyment for me is thinking about how my writing style has changed – sometimes that embarrasses me, but mostly I enjoy reading my old stuff (does that make me a narcissist?). But I also enjoy seeing what I thought about something many years ago. Sometimes I’ve revisited the stuff and my opinion has changed.

Sometimes, as is the case with Jack Taylor I barely remember watching it in the first place. I have only the vaguest memories of watching this show, mostly I remember Iain Glen who was starring in the immensely popular at the time Game of Thrones. He’s probably the reason I agreed to review this set in the first place.

In my review, I made a crack about how I’d probably sell this DVD set as I didn’t enjoy it all that much. But I didn’t sell it as it is still sitting on my shelves. I kind of want to watch it again as I’ve softened quite a bit on these old mystery shows. I wonder if I’d enjoy it now.

Anyway, you can read my review here.