The Forever Begging

Click HERE to donate to The Midnight Cafe.

I started this blog on May 29, 2004, which means I’m approaching twenty years as a blogger. I think most of you know the basics of my blogging history – started out as a journal for my year in France, turned into a pop culture site, which then morphed into solely a live music station, and for the last year I’ve added back in some pop cultural musings.

I’ve made something like 10,666 posts. I’ve shared some 8,000 shows, written about movies over 500 times. I’ve talked about music and books, and I’ve shared videos and interesting links. I’ve shared personal pictures and talked a lot about my life. I’ve traveled all over the world and shared my adventures.

I don’t know how much this means to anybody but myself. I like to think I’ve made something of my little corner in cyberspace. I know most of you come for the music, but I hope at least a few of you enjoy the other stuff.

On a few occasions now I’ve asked for donations to help cover the cost of the Cloud Drives. You all have given generously to that cause, and I thank you sincerely. In previous donation requests, I’ve capped the donations to the actual cost of the Cloud Drives. In my last begging session, I noted that since I was providing more content than just music downloads I thought I’d leave the Paypal link up so that you could donate at will.

This is a continuation of that. I’m going to pin this to the top of the page so it is easily viewable by everyone. I may periodically post reminders or what you might call mini-begging posts, kind of like they do on Substack and similar operations.

The Midnight Cafe is a labor of love. I do this because I enjoy it. I’ve put a lot more time and money into it than I’ll ever get out of it. But if you think it is worth a little of your money I would greatly appreciate any donation you’d like to give. If you are unable to give, that’s okay too. This site will always be free.

You may send donations to my PayPal account.

13 thoughts on “The Forever Begging

  1. Done! I tried to give my donation number a little music theme.

    Thanks a ton for all you do here Mat – you so generously share amazing music with all of us and I truly appreciate it.

    Don’t be shy to ask for donations again as needed – maybe every 6 months or something?

    • Thanks so much. What was the theme? 

      I hadn’t really expected donations on this one. I had been meaning to write something I could pin to the top of the blog just as a gentle reminder for those who want to give a little. The next time I have to upgrade the Google Drive they will make me pay them on a monthy basis (right now I’m on an annual system) so I figure I’ll have to ask for donations more often then. Maybe. 

    • It wasn’t intentional. WordPress made some change recently and apparently disappeared my original list of links. I can actually view it in my dashboard but I can’t figure out how to make it appear on the site anymore. So I made a new one. And I just forgot to include G101.

      Although I actually had a bit of drama with them recently which makes me not want to put them back up 🙂

    • I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you are asking. If you are asking if I need some money for my Google Drive then my answer is no. I’m paid up for a while and have plenty of space. But if you would like to donate to the site just to say thanks then you can click on the paypal link up above.

      Or if it is something else just let me know.

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